Packaged Plant Rooms / Energy Centres

An energy efficient, low carbon, sustainable solution. Almost all modern buildings use energy to drive the electricity required for lighting, IT, heating, cooling and other building services. The resultant fuel costs and levels of CO2 emissions can be staggering, not to mention the impact on global warming. Weatherite’s Trigeneration Energy Centres provide a highly efficient, sustainable, self contained solution for power, hot water, heating and cooling applications. What makes Weatherite’s Trigeneration technology so unique is the highly efficient way it maximises all the energy available, providing 100% energy exactly where it is needed - locally. The trigeneration process uses far more of the available energy than traditional methods, so it’s inherently more cost-effective and it’s far better for the environment. Trigeneration Energy Centres - Combining power, heating and cooling Trigeneration brings together three activities (though it can provide even more if required). l The electricity generating engine drives a three - phase electrical alternator. This generating engine provides all the electricity for the building. l Heat exchangers recover the heat generated by the engine and engine’s water cooling system. This waste heat is then used to provide hot water and heating, when it is needed. l A high efficiency ADsorption chiller, housed within the energy centre, uses the waste heat from the generating engine to produce chilled water, which is then used for air conditioning or refrigeration heat rejection, if required. In comparison to conventional air-conditioning, refrigeration, etc this method can deliver a substantial reduction in primary energy consumption and carbon emission reductions of over 50%. l Trigeneration uses water as the refrigerant so, the technology substantially reduces ozone depletion and carbon emmissions. How Trigeneration Works